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  • A Solar Bollard light with an Australian Made and Owned logo on it.


  • SOLABLADE Solar Car Park Light product image.


    Open Area

  • SNV Nude Feb 22


    Street & Car Park

  • SVG Nude Feb 22


    Feature & Uplight

  • SBT Nude Feb 22


    Shelter & Tunnel

  • The SOLAENGINE is displayed with its rectangular LED panel and accompanying solar panel.




Holiday & Caravan Park Lighting

Solar lighting allows full & safe use of the park's amenities

Holiday parks are a memorable and magical experience for everyone! Lighting entices and facilitates exploration of the grounds, as well as improving safety and security for holiday-makers. 

The soft natural white light of our solar bollards can mark out a pathway or landmark within the park without disruption to nearby campers and cabins. There’s nothing worse than a bright light snapping on and off in your eyes on holiday! 

SOLABOLLARD is easy to install, 1m installed height, pathway, waypoint, feature and amenity light. For example, solar bollards were used to mark the pathway from the lodges to the car park at Nitmiluk Katherine, in the Northern Territory’s Nitmiluk National Park. SOLABOLLARD Generation 1 (SBL1) are used at Nitmiluk as the installation was before the release of the Generation 2 (SBL2) bollard in 2018. 

In other areas of the accommodation at Nitmiluk, solar bollards were used to highlight features & amenities through the grounds. 

Over at the Denham Seaside Caravan Park in Shark Bay WA, a local adaptation to installing the solar bollard is a stroke of brilliance! The park owners selected the base-plate installation type for their bollards.  The base plate is a welded foot on the bottom of the bollard to be bolted to an existing structure such as a bridge, hard rock, a cement path, or to a pre-made footing. 

At the Denham Park, the solar bollards with their base-plate “foot” are bolted to a 40kg, off-the-shelf reconstituted limestone block. Solar bollards at the Denham Park are a generation 1 bollard, with standard power of 160mA.  As described by the Denham Park owners:

“It [bolting the bollard to the block] makes it flexible with positioning as we move them around depending on the time of year with the busy season or off season. Street lights tend to be run into with reversing Caravans but with this set up they push over resulting in minimal damage to the light or van.”

You can see in the Denham Park bollard photo above, the other bollards in the background there acting as waypoint lighting.  From the solar bollard in the foreground, you can get an idea of the light output of the bollards. 

Another of HIGHLUX’s products popular with holiday and caravan parks is the SOLABLADESOLABLADE is a cost-effective overhead area light that provides a “facial-recognition” level of lighting for shared-use amenity areas such as BBQ areas, kitchen & laundry entrances, and the “corner shop”. 

SOLABLADE is typically installed at 4 and 5m heights with an approximate light splay at these heights of between 12 and 16m diameter.  SOLABLADE emits a soft, natural white light, meaning low light pollution, and low light waste with its choice of one of two programs and motion sensor. 

The low wind load (0.06m2) of the SOLABLADE means the light can be installed on a standard 76mm outside diameter (3mm wall thickness) galvanised pipe pole, directly buried into the ground with cement.  These pipe poles can be purchased from a local building supplier and cut to length at place of purchase or on site with an angle grinder. 

The SOLABATON and the SOLANERO, as our two more recent solar offerings, may also be of interest to holiday park off-grid options. 

Holiday & Caravan Park Lighting Projects

Australian solar outdoor lighting solutions for Australian conditions.

HIGHLUX works with councils, mines, civil, building & construction industries to deliver commercial and industrial solar solutions in some of Australia’s most challenging geographical locations. Operating since 2012, HIGHLUX is an established Australian solar lighting provider.  HIGHLUX is experienced in delivering cost-effective reliable solar, assets designed to last beyond their warranty period.

103 Camberwell Road, HAWTHORN EAST VIC 3123 | 1300 884 724

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