Jetty, Pier & Boat Ramp Lighting
Where there’s water, solar is the perfect option
Solar is the safe and effective option for lighting around water. The soft light from solar LED lighting enhances the natural landscape against a backdrop of water, achieving a balance between human use and the immediate ecosystem.
For jetty, pier and boat ramp lighting installations, HIGHLUX recommends one of, or sometimes a mix of options from:

SOLABOLLARD: an Australian Made industrial grade solar bollard light, typically installed at 1m height with an estimated light splay of around 6 to 9m diameter; SOLABOLLARD generation 2 (SBL2) is waterproof to 3m depth (IP68), with the marine-grade aluminium pole of SBL1 and SBL2.

SOLABLADE: a mid-price range overhead light with motion sensor that sits up on a standard galvanised pole at 4 to 5m high with an estimated light splay of around 12 to 16m diameter. Low wind load of <0.06m2.

SOLANOVA: a premium Australian Made overhead lighting system with a simple, efficient design, with powerful capability offering an estimated light splay of 60m diameter.