Solar Bollards at 3m Height Light the New Shared Pathways Around Karratha, WA
The City of Karratha partnered with local businesses to invest in a series of Neighbourhood Walks and Bike Rides around the town. With their vision for the project, City of Karratha approached HIGHLUX to add the solar lighting component: seven 3m Solar Bollards with a top reflector for an added heritage feel, placed at strategic points on the paths.
Date installed: October 2021
Customer: City of Karratha
Compliance: Waypoint lighting
Product: 7x Solar Bollard Gen 2 (SBL2)
Order Code: SBL2-240SNW-SR-3640DBA
Product Description: Solar Bollard Gen 2, highest power (240mA) suited to full sun position in region, Symmetric LED arrangement (360 degree light splay), Natural White (4,000K), 3m installed height, direct bury installation, marine-grade aluminium post
Lighting Up the Karratha Community!
City of Karratha had previously purchased the 3m Solar Bollards with reflector earlier in 2021, and even earlier in 2018 for the Point Samson viewing platform, so Council were familiar with the light's look and performance.
Up at the 3m height, with the 240mA power, the light splay is around 10m diameter, with the reflector adding to directing all light downward onto the path. The Solar Bollard Gen 2 is a long term asset for the City of Karratha.