Customised Australian Solar Bollards for Sodexo Varanus Island, WA
Solar Bollard base-plate can be customised to fit to existing structure, off-grid, stand-alone, pedestrian category lighting powered by the sun.
Date installed: May 2019
Customer: Sodexo
Compliance: Pedestrian Category Compliance (PP5)
Product: Solar Bollard Gen 2 (SBL2)
Order Code: SBL2-200AWW-SR-Custom bracket
Product Description: Solar Bollard Gen 2, high power for region (200mA), Warm White (3,000K), ~3m installed height, with reflector, custom base for attachment to customers swivel pole
Wildlife Friendly Warm White and Minimal Light Waste with Solar Bollard Gen 2
The photo above of the Varanus Island site is a daylight photo of the 3m high Solar Bollard Gen 2 with reflector. Not an award-winning photo, but you can see the lights around the perimeter of the narrow walking path of the top floor building. Out on Varanus, wind load is a consideration, as is light spill/pollution, and achieving pedestrian compliance lighting standards.
In the photo below, you can see the colour temperature of the warm white being enough to see right along the pathway, but is a softer light to minimise disruption to wildlife - striking a balance between human use and safety with minimal additional ecological disruption. The reflector helps to direct the light downward also reducing upward light (light pollution). The asymmetric LED arrangement puts the light over the path, with very little back-light, and light shining into the windows across the other side.