Solar Bollard Pathway Lighting in Gardens & Grounds of Strathdon Orchard, VIC
The Strathdon Orchard precinct redevelopment project aims to create public spaces for public use. This includes shared outdoor areas to facilitate and promote interactions with nature.
Date installed: December 2020
Customer: Whitehorse City Council
Compliance: AS/NZS Pedestrian Category Pathway Lighting (PP5)
Product: Solar Bollard Gen 2 (SBL2)
Order Code: SBL2-120ANW-1140DBA
Product Description: 9x Solar Bollard Gen 2, low power (120mA) for ~6h of sun in winter for region (Vic), asymmetric LED arrangement, natural white (4,000K), direct bury installation, 1m installed height, 8m spacing

Solar Options When There is Heavy Shade for Southern States Like Victoria
The Strathdon Orchard precinct project is part of Whitehorse City Council’s investment in it’s local community, as well as a celebration and protection of local heritage.
HIGHLUX worked with our own local landscaper Peter (from Urban View Landscapes) to supply and install 14x SOLABLADE and 10x Solar Bollards along the walking tracks through the precinct for Council.

Low Power Solar Bollards Accommodate Shade, Achieve PP5 Compliance
Through a particular section of the walking paths, the shade was particularly heavy with established trees blocking the sun's path. Originally, Council had wanted SOLABLADE lacing the entire pathway, however, the height and depth of the trees through this section meant SOLABLADE was not the best product - solar bollards are designed specifically to accommodate heavy shading in southern regions where solar options are usually limited.
Even with the heavy shade, these solar bollards, with the correctly specified power (mA), are able to achieve ASNZS Compliance at 8m spacing.

The Strathdon Orchard precinct required about 300m of pathway to be lit to AS/NZS pedestrian category compliance lighting. Because of moderate to heavy shading along the path from buildings and trees, a mix of overhead solar (SOLABLADE) and 1m high solar bollard lighting (SOLABOLLARD) was specified to achieve the lighting objective. To achieve compliance for the pathways, HIGHLUX specified:
- 5x low power SOLABLADEs on South side of path (max 13m spacing)
- 9x mid power SOLABLADEs on North side of path (max 17m spacing)
- 10x mid power SOLABOLLARDSs in section adjacent to Strathdon house (max 8m spacing)