Knox City VIC: Solar Lighting for Dog Park Fun!
LOCATION: Emerson Place Dog Park Rowville VIC 3178 & Knox Park Bunjil Way Knoxfield VIC 3180
INSTALLED: December 2023
Local councils recognise the importance of dog parks in building connected communities. By investing in dog park lighting, councils make these areas safe for dogs to socialise and play while protecting other spaces for children’s animal-free play and exploration. Choosing solar as the lighting solution to achieve these community goals demonstrates commitment to sustainability while aligning with growing recognition of how green spaces improve human health.
This is the story (so far!)...
Knox City Made an Online Inquiry
HIGHLUX received an online inquiry through the online "Get a Quote" form in December 2023.
"Interested in getting a quote for lighting at 2 dog parks if you'd be able to help me with this that'd be great!"
Knox City email
When Knox City Council first approached HIGHLUX in August 2023, Council had done their research and had a good idea of what they were looking for: solar, and, an overhead solar lighting solution. We'd recommend an overhead lighting solutions for large activity areas like a dog park, consistent with Council's vision.
Project Briefing
From the initial inquiry, our team worked with Knox City to listen to their lighting objectives and their vision for their communities. We looked at the two areas from satellite images and did virtual walks around the parks, taking note of surrounding lighting already in place, pathways, carparks, gates, and .expected pedestrian movement through the area.
Preliminary Plan
HIGHLUX put together a preliminary lighting design - a lighting design is produced using industry-specific software with inputs from our engineers. Inputs include the ASNZS compliance category to achieve, then the proposed height of the lights, the optic used, and the power (W). From the lighting design, we are able to recommend the number of lights, their positions, orientation, height, and the required programming to achieve the lighting objective.
At this stage of the project, we are able to provide an idea of the cost and time to completion for the project for Councils planning and informed decision-making.

Partnering with Local Sparky for Solar Lighting with SOLANOVA
When Knox City Council first approached HIGHLUX in August 2023, Council had done their research and had a good idea of what they were looking for: solar, and, an overhead solar lighting solution. We'd recommend an overhead lighting solutions for large activity areas like a dog park, consistent with Council's vision.
HIGHLUX teamed up with local electricians Wallgates Electrical as our partner installers for this one! SOLANOVA is an in-house designed and made Australian solar street light. We are primarily a supplier, and we have partner installers across the nation for supply and installation projects. Priority is given to Council's preferred installers. Where there is no installer nominated by Council, HIGHLUX will partner directly with a local installer.
HIGHLUX, Wallgates, and Knox City met out on site to do a walk through and to workshop the preliminary designs and concepts.
Professional Recommendation & Submission
After the site visit, there were a number of areas adjunct to one of the parks in particular where extending the lighting was recommended. The plan was revised and lighting design updated. For Emerson Park, four SOLANOVA, and for Knox Park, two SOLANOVA.

The revised design, installation plan and project timeline with pricing were submitted to Council in September 2023.
HIGHLUX Quote Announced as Successful
HIGHLUX were selected as preferred provider with the job being awarded 10th November and we moved to confirm number of lights, position, and project time line with Council to achieve their lighting objective.
Project Completion & Dog Park Open for Night Time Puppy Play!
Wallgates Electrical installed the full compliment of 6x SOLANOVA in the one day - four SOLANOVA for Emerson Place and two SOLANOVA for Knox Park. Council facilitating both parks being done on the same day reduces costs to Council. Project was completed in December.