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Solar Bollard Gardens & Grounds for Residents at Trinity Green, Mawson Lakes, SA

A few strategically placed solar bollard lights can bring the garden landscape to life. 

Date installed: February 2016
Customer: Steven Murray Electrical
Compliance: Waypoint lighting
Product: Solar Bollard Gen 1 (SBL1)

Order Code: SBL1-120NW-1140DBA

Product Description: Solar Bollard Gen 1, low power (120mA) to accommodate shading for region (SA), Natural White (4,000K), 1m installed height, direct bury installation, marine-grade aluminium post

Solar Bollards Still Going Strong Since 2016

The first installation of solar bollards at Trinity Green was in 2016, with a second round of 4x bollards being purchased in 2018.  The second round were bought to match the existing bollards, to extend the waypoint lighting through the grounds.

Australian Solar Bollard Pathway Lighting in Parks & Reserves: Jacaranda Springs, High Wycombe, WA
Truck & Car Park at Winchelsea and Torquay Depot, VIC