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Australian Made Overhead Area Light for the Soldiers Memorial Park, Meningie, SA

SOLANOVA is an Overhead Solar Street & Area Light

Date installed: June 2020
Customer: Coorong District Council
Partner Project: BTS Building & Training Services
Compliance: Feature Lighting, Waypoint
Product: 3x SOLANOVA

Powerful & Clever Optic in the Grah European Luminaire

SOLANOVA was recommended to light the larger area of the Soldiers Memorial Park in Meningie.  Three systems, strategically placed to mark the pathways, as well as to direct light to the edges of the grounds for night-time pedestrian traffic through the area.  SOLANOVA, with its 60m diameter light splay using the beautiful European luminaire by Grah, is a powerfully effective solar lighting system. 

Australian Solar Bollard Pathway Lighting in Parks & Reserves: Jacaranda Springs, High Wycombe, WA
Truck & Car Park at Winchelsea and Torquay Depot, VIC